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table of contents title
    Social Life Hack Coins Permanent, with this cheat you can get as many coins as you want and the money you get is permanent. You just need Cheat Engine to use Social Life Hack Coins Permanent.

    Tools Used:
    Steps to use Social Life Hack Coins Permanent:
    1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
    2. Log in to your facebook account and play Social Life Game
    3. Open Cheat Engine, select process browser (FlashPlayerPlugin for Firefox and chrome.exe for google chrome), value type is 4byte
    4. Go to shop, Build.. Buy Wooden Flooring x12 or use .. the cream title x12 on inventory
    5. Next Is click on simbol sell on floor then first scan value 1
    6. Back to game, then click on +, then next scan value 2, Back to game again, then click on +, then next scan value 3,  (repeat this step until you get one address)
    7. Moving the address to "address list" then change value to as you want
    8. The last step. Click the sell button, then reload the game and see the amount of your coins.
    9. Video Tutorial:
