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    Drago City Hack Free Gold Update, the following tutorial will teach us about how to get a lot of free gold in Dragon City Game. We do not need to use tools like Cheat Engine or others, that we need is a browser and internet connection. By using Hack Dragon City Gold or this DC tools, you can get 6.000.000 Gold per click submit button for free

    Info Update :
    Dragon City Hack 6M Gold / Submit. Update ‎‎‎‎‎Wednesday, ‎July ‎01, ‎2015 - Work All Account. (Update Link)

    What are the steps? The steps are like this:
    1. log in to your facebook account then open game Dragon City
    2. After that, open this site:

      Free Dragon City 6M Gold per Submit

    3. Then input your Facebook ID and Your Session ID
    4. Then click Submit
    Video tutorials how to use hack dragon city gold:
