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Angry Birds Friends Hack Unlimited Power Ups

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    Angry Birds Friends Hack Unlimited Power Ups. Hack or cheats unlimited power ups for game Angry Birds Friends on facebook, funtion of this cheats or hack is to make you have unlimited power ups.

    Features of the Angry Birds Friends Hack Unlimited Power Ups is :
    - Unlimited and free power-ups (except Mighty Eagle and Wingman)
    - All power-ups can be used together
    - All slings are unlocked
    - Improved Laser Sight powerup

    As we know in the Angry Birds Friends game we were asked to destroy the pigs and the pigs defenses.The higher our level, the pigs and the defense also getting stronger. In crushing the defense pig and the pigs, we were given aid power ups and the amount of power ups that we get is very limited, but if we use Angry Birds Friends Hack Unlimited Power Ups, then we will get unlimited power ups and these power ups can be used many times.

    Angry Birds Friends Hack Unlimited Power Ups is use leethax Firefox extension. If your Firefox not yet installed leethax extension so you must install leethax Firefox extension. You can install leethax Firefox extension by clicking on the link below :

    Click to Install Leethax Extension

    And below is tutorial on using Angry Birds Friends Hack Unlimited Power Ups (very simple tutorial) :
    1. Open firefox then install leethax Firefox extension
    2. After that log in to you facebook account then Play Angry Birds Friends game.
    3. And see you power ups, all amount of money will be changed to 99 and will not be reduced when used.
    4. If you still not understand with tutorial above, you can see tutorial on the video below :
