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Annex 4.0 RTS released!

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    We mentioned it a few days ago, but you can now download the latest 4.0 version of the RTS Annex: Conquer the World.

    – 2 New Factions: Alliance Renegades and NEO Republic
    – Shadow Organization units: Vixen (hero) and Sentinel
    – New Tilesets: Apocylapse, Metropolitian, Overcast, Brightland, and Outland
    – Increased Level cap, unit re-balancing and refined gameplay.

    – New Technology tree options: Simple Battle, Simple Deployed, Ready for War, and Insanity.
    – All Technology trees now have a (D) Double Damage or (H) Half Damage variation.
    – Improved graphics, lighting, and particle effects
    – Save + load game feature
    – New maps and scenarios
    – New soundtrack, voice overs and sound effects.
    – FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) license
    It's especially great to see them switch to a fully FOSS licensing model!

    P.S.: Unrelated, but Unvanquished also got a new Alpha 32 release just now.
