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Lost Sky Tactical J-RPG [PyGame]

table of contents title
    Lost Sky is a PyGame-based Tactical J-RPG that runs on Linux, OS X and Windows.

    To play on a system that has mercurial and pygame installed, run:

    hg clone
    cd lost-sky-project-public/Story\ of\ a\ Lost\ Sky/

    chmod +x

    Lost Sky screenshots

    Story of a Lost Sky is a Turn Based Strategy RPG with gameplay that is similar to Fire Emblem. Units are placed on a tile map and each side takes turns moving and attacking. Outside the battle map, the player is able to customize their characters and equip new spells and traits.
    This project was discovered by seeing a link banner on Valyria Tear's blog. Yay networking!

    Code License: New BSD
    Content License: Various: PD, CC-BY 3.0, CC-Sampling+ (non-free), Unknown
