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Ninja Saga Hack Easter (Defend the Village) with Fiddler

table of contents title
    This is Cheat Easter 2013 (Defend the Village!) Battle Hack. Short your way to battle, just a few minute to drain your energy. this hack update on March 30th 2013, sorry too late. Let's make it easy !

    Tools required :
    1. Download File
    2. Extrach rar >> set the Password
    3. Open Fiddler 2 >> Select AutoResponder tab (icon lightning)
      Tick:   Enable Automatic Responses
                Unmatched request passthrought
    4. Drag swf file to Auto responder table
    5. Open your browser >> Must Clear Chache
    6. Login to Ninja Saga >> Go to Shop
    7. Select then Buy the hack, Happy Cheating !
